Call for Funding of Scientific Events

 Call for Funding of Scientific Events

The PLASMAScience opens its annual call for funding scientific events for year 2025. Co-funding is possible.

Eligible projects are those that will be led by scientists from one (or more) of the plasma teams at IP Paris. The event must cover one (or more) of the major themes of the PLASMAScience, namely:

  • Plasmas and Energy
  • Plasmas and Society
  • Plasmas and Space.


If EUR PLASMAScience funding is granted, the applicant undertakes to:

  • Mention EUR PLASMAScience as a partner and use its logo in all communications (website, posters, brochures, goodies, if any)
  • Distribute EUR flyers during the event, install a EUR kakemonon (flyer and kakemono provided by EUR)
  • Include a short presentation of PLASMAScience in the program that will be given by one of the EUR representative.


If you wish to apply for funding, please complete the form and upload your application.

For any question, please contact: