5 posts of “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant”

5 posts of “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant”
(in French “Chargé temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche – CTER)
Full-time fixed-term contract (maximum duration 6 months)
Application deadline: April 30th, 2025
This year, as part of its mission, the PLASMAScience has the possibility of financing 5 posts of “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant” (equivalent to ATER positions in French universities).
This 6-month funding will allow
– young PhDs (maximum one year after thesis defence) from the PLASMAScience laboratories (CMAP, CPHT,
LOA, LPICM, LPP, LSI, LULI) to finalize their research work and publications,
– young PhDs (maximum one year after thesis defence) in plasma physics outside IP-Paris to join one of the PLASMAScience laboratories for a short term research project,
while participating in teaching missions in plasma physics within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris defined by the PLASMAScience.
Period: from October 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026 which corresponds to the teaching period in Master 2.
Proposed teaching missions :
· Participation in the teaching of plasma physics (supervision of students’ lab work (in French: TP) in, e.g., Master 2 PPF (Plasma Physics and Fusion) and Master 2 GI (Large Facilities);
· Tutoring of students;
· Contribution to the communication of the PLASMAScience and to the organization of the PLASMAScience scientific events.
The candidate must:
· have completed his/her thesis in the field of plasma physics (maximum one year after thesis defence). Candidates who do not accomplished their PhD yet can still apply to this call but are required to provide an expected date of defense.
· carry out research work in plasma physics in one of the PLASMAScience laboratories (CMAP, CPHT, LOA, LPICM, LPP, LSI, LULI) during the contract period.
– an electronic copy of the PhD thesis (or a draft version) and a copy of a publication representative of the thesis work;
– a brief description of the plasma research project in one of the PLASMAScience laboratories (CMAP, CPHT, LOA, LPICM, LPP, LSI, LULI) during the period of 6 months;
– a letter of motivation specifying potential contributions to the objectives of the PLASMAScience for teaching and tutoring missions in coordination with the professors in charge of those teachings;
– a CV;
– a letter of support from the host laboratory;
– if the candidates do not have their PhD: a letter from the PhD supervisor stating the planning of the end of the thesis with an expected date of defense.
The applicant is invited to contact the PLASMAScience, beforehand in order to define a teaching project in connection with the teaching of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris: applications.plasmascience@lpp.polytechnique.fr
Applicants must send their application by April 30th, 2025 at the latest to the following address: applications.plasmascience@lpp.polytechnique.fr
April 30th, 2025: Closing of the call for applications
May, 2025: Examination of the applications by the PLASMAScience steering committee.
June, 2025: Announcement of the results.