Call for “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant” positions
2 February 2025
Calls for applications and projects

Call for “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant”positions (in French “Chargé temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche – CTER)
Full-time contract (maximum duration 6 months)
The PLASMAScience has the possibility of funding five “Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant” positions (equivalent to ATER positions in French universities).
This 6-month funding will allow young PhDs (maximum one year after thesis defence) to join one of the PLASMAScience laboratories (CMAP, CPHT, LOA, LPICM, LPP, LSI, LULI) for a short-term research project (or to finalize their research work and publications for those already onsite) while contributing to our teaching programs in plasma physics at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Period: from October 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026. The period coincides with the teaching activities in our Master programs.
Possible contributions to the teaching programs:
- Lab work (TP in French) in one of the two plasma Master at IPP: Master 2 PPF (Plasma Physics and Fusion) and Master 2 GI-PLATO (Large Facilities)
- Plasma physics courses in Cycle ingénieurs polytechniciens or Master 1 level
- Bachelor program
- Tutoring of students
- Contribution to the public outreach activities of PLASMAScience and to the organization of the PLASMAScience scientific events.
May, 2025: Examination of the applications by the PLASMAScience steering committee.
June, 2025: Announcement of the results
The applicants are invited to contact the Professors in charge of the teaching programs at IPP to define their teaching program prior to any application. A letter of approval of the teaching program from the Professor is requested.
Applicants must fill this form and submit their application by April 30th, 2025 with all request documents.
For any question, please contact